Latest Design News

Latest Design News

Latest Design News featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



Codependent melds psychology and design, specifically focusing upon the physical manifestation of a psychological condition, codependency. These two intertwined tables must rely upon each other to function. The two forms are incapable of standing alone, but together create one functional form. The final table is a powerful example of which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

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This stool is designed to help one to maintain neutral sitting-standing posture. By observing people’s daily behavior, the design team found the need for people to sit on stools for a shorter period of time such as sitting in the kitchen for a quick break, which inspired the team to create this stool specifically to accommodate such behavior. This stool is designed with minimal parts and structures, making the stool affordable and cost-efficient for both buyers and sellers by taking into account the productivity of manufactures.

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This wine design is a classic piece with a renewed treatment, which captures the meaning of the name. Large embossed drop cap letters build the delicate and sensory label surface, almost sculpted on paper. The graphic universe of the codex books is very rich in elements and allowed to build the different pieces of the bottle, from the capsule to the outer packaging. For the latter, a great illustration describes the vintage and the elements of the family heraldic shield, in a classic and colorful narrative, covering the piece that is gradually discovered by the user.

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E Drum

Inspired by a gyrosphere. the show combines a number of elements that together create an extraordinary experience. The installation changes its shape and creates a dynamic environment for the drummer to perform in. Edrum breaks the barrier between sound light and space, each note translates into light.

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Black Hole

Black Hole designed on the base of modern intelligent technology, and it is a Bluetooth portable speaker. It could be connected to any mobile phone with different platforms, and there is a USB port for connecting to external portable storage. The embedded light could be used as a desk light. Also, the appealing look of Black Hole makes it so appeal homeware could be used in interior design.

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Quadrant Arcade

The Grade II listed arcade has been transformed into an inviting street presence through arranging the right light at the right place. General, ambient illumination is used holistically and its effects staged hierarchically to achieve variations in light patterning that create interest and promote increased use of the space. Strategic incorporation for design and placement of the dynamic feature pendent was managed together with the artist so that visual effects appear more subtle than overwhelming. With daylight fading, the elegant structure is accentuated by the rhythm of electric lighting.

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