Latest Design News

Latest Design News

Latest Design News featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



The design of this collection of wine bottles represents a magical vision of the phenomena that surround it. Paranormal is a name full of personality, which leads to a unique ideology of strange and surprising phenomena. Engraved and detailed illustrations show a haunting and ironic visual narrative. Broken typefaces to emulate the beautifully imperfect letterpress prints, complete this graphic based on ancient alchemy books, full of myths and fables.

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Lory Duck

The Lory Duck is designed as a suspension system assembled from modules made of brass and epoxy glass, each resembling a duck sliding effortlessly through cool waters. The modules also offer configurability; with a touch, each can be adjusted to face any direction and hang at any height. The basic shape of the lamp was born relatively quickly. However, it needed months of research and development with countless prototypes to create its perfect balance and the best look from all possible angles.

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Off the Eaten Path

Aspirational and highly magnetic, this specific consumer group has an insatiable appetite for new and authentic experiences and a deep seated curiosity that drives all they do. A small group of these consumers gave real time feedback through the stages of brand development, involving them directly in the creative process. By making the consumer central to every decision, the Off The Eaten Path team was able to create a more authentic experience across every application.

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Codependent melds psychology and design, specifically focusing upon the physical manifestation of a psychological condition, codependency. These two intertwined tables must rely upon each other to function. The two forms are incapable of standing alone, but together create one functional form. The final table is a powerful example of which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

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This stool is designed to help one to maintain neutral sitting-standing posture. By observing people’s daily behavior, the design team found the need for people to sit on stools for a shorter period of time such as sitting in the kitchen for a quick break, which inspired the team to create this stool specifically to accommodate such behavior. This stool is designed with minimal parts and structures, making the stool affordable and cost-efficient for both buyers and sellers by taking into account the productivity of manufactures.

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This wine design is a classic piece with a renewed treatment, which captures the meaning of the name. Large embossed drop cap letters build the delicate and sensory label surface, almost sculpted on paper. The graphic universe of the codex books is very rich in elements and allowed to build the different pieces of the bottle, from the capsule to the outer packaging. For the latter, a great illustration describes the vintage and the elements of the family heraldic shield, in a classic and colorful narrative, covering the piece that is gradually discovered by the user.

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